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Dream Team Engineering members working with a 3-D Printer


Dream Team Engineering’s design branch is made up of a multitude of teams that focus on using 3D-modeling skills to fulfill healthcare needs.

Cardiothoracic Team


The Cardiothoracic team creates models of heart and lung-related issues to further patient and student education. The models are primarily 3D-printed and can range from toys in pediatric waiting rooms to disease condition models in physician offices. We are currently working on a model for supraventricular tachycardia, which will be used by a physician at Shands as a visual representation of the defect during patient consultations.


The Surgical Design team works closely with surgeons at UF Health to design model organ systems that will provide residents more exposure before they enter an operating room. Currently, the team is working on two novel and life-like projects. The first model incorporates a procedure known as a cholecystectomy. The other model that the team is currently working on is a laparoscopic kidney transplant model.

Surgical Team
Infantile IV Team

Infantile IV

Our team is designing a mixed reality simulator. Our team is utilizing a combination of materialize, unity, and Solidworks to create virtual models that can be used to gauge trainees ability to perform an IV on an infant. Unity’s vein and artery mesh work is used in culmination with a 3d printed nylon model to train nurses and doctors how to insert an IV in the leg region of an infant.

Biofluid Analyzer

The Urine Output team strives to measure the weight of a urine bag and display the volume on a LCD screen. The electrical team is designing a circuit that reads in the weight of the urine bag and converts it into volume on the LCD screen. The mechanical team is currently working on designing a housing bay for the electrical components.

Urine Output Team
STEM Special Events Team

STEM Special Events

STEM Special Events is focused on outreach style events to educate children at Shands Children's Hospital, as well as the greater Gainesville area (in partnership with the Science Bus of Gainesville.) Our team is special in that we design curriculums and combine them with design projects, offering children the unique experience of hands-on learning. We've done it all... from CSI forensics to erupting volcanoes!

Caudal Block

The caudal block procedure is a medical intervention commonly used to provide pain relief in the lower back and pelvic region in children or infants. During the procedure, a physician injects a local anesthetic into the caudal epidural space, which is located at the base of the spine. The caudal block simulator we are creating in Unity could be utilized as an educational tool to visually demonstrate the procedure and train doctors and medical students on how to perform this operation. The Caudal Block design team is new for Fall 2023!

DTE Members working together
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